Donor Profiles

Dr. Narayana Rao:
how $1 a day
enriches Hinduism's future

Narayana Rao and family with Bodhinatha and on Kauai

Prof. Narayana Rao is a scientist on a spiritual mission. He is a world-renowned teacher of engineering electromagnetics who immigrated from India to the US in 1958. And he has a dream.

His dream is that one day his grandchildren may enjoy the same precious Hindu heritage he received from his forebearers.

“A little bit done by a great many
  is what has kept Hinduism intact
  through the millennia.”

In 2003, Dr. Rao was deeply moved while visiting the home of Hinduism Today, Kauai’s Hindu Monastery in Hawaii. “This is Kailash of the West,” he thought, “and my vision and fondest hopes have meshed with Hinduism Today. It is the medium for the generations!” He had found a worthy vehicle for his dream.

To lend support, he gave $9,132 to the Hinduism Today Production Fund, which is a part of the Hindu Heritage Endowment. He decided on this exact amount so that earnings would straightaway provide the magazine $1 a day to meet production expenses.

“Only $1 a day, yes, but forever!” he points out. “And with compounding interest, it will grow endlessly. Little, consistent increments make for great power, power for the long haul. I believe that a little bit done by a great many is what has kept Hinduism intact through the millennia. And the same will propel Hinduism Today, too.”

Becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today If you are keen to give an added moral boost to the Production Fund while giving financial support, please consider becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today.

One becomes a Benefactor simply by donating $1000 or more to the Fund as a gift outright or by making the fund a beneficiary in one's estate plan by the same amount.   Learn more about becoming a Benefactor

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