Donor Profiles

Mrunal Patel family

Giving to keep
the light of understanding
shining bright

Among the many sublime ways readers tell us of their appreciation, once in a while, there appears a stirring declaration: “Your magazine has transformed our lives!”

One such has come from the Mrunal Patel family of Midland, Texas. “Since we discovered Hinduism Today at a friend’s house,” explained an enthusiastic Mrs. Patel, “everything’s changed for us. It has given us a depth of understanding that we couldn’t have imagined. It has given us pride, unity of mind and a shared purpose. Our priorities are altogether different. We do puja and sadhana together, the three of us, every day, and we all live the same way, which is much different from before. We have found our path for this life.”

“It has given us a depth of understanding that we couldn’t have imagined.
  It has given us pride, unity of mind and a shared purpose.

Thirteen-year-old Pooja adds, “I am amazed how Hinduism Today addresses all Hindus everywhere, of every tradition, of any age. It is as much a guide and resource for me as for my parents. And I feel just as enlightened and encouraged by it as they are. How precious is that?”

The Patels wanted to give back to Hinduism Today, partly out of gratitude and mostly, explains Mr. Patel, “to help the magazine reach more souls and give them the same chance to find their path and destiny that we had. There can be no greater gift.”

To make as meaningful an offering as they could, the family studied various estate planning options, then chose what was most apt for their circumstance. They made a bequest to the Hinduism Today Production Fund, a part of Hindu Heritage Endowment, by naming it as one of the benficiaries of a charitable life insurance policy. Mr. Patel encourages others to do a similar thing: “Bequests are powerful forms of giving, that guarantee the magazine’s strength into the far future.”

Please consider including the Production Fund in your estate plan, so as to enable Hinduism Today to reach ever more souls eager to find their way.

Becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today If you are keen to give an added moral boost to the Production Fund while giving financial support, please consider becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today.

One becomes a Benefactor simply by donating $1000 or more to the Fund as a gift outright or by making the fund a beneficiary in one's estate plan by the same amount.   Learn more about becoming a Benefactor

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