Donor Profiles
pallod family

"I just want them to appreciate what they have." Vijay and Mrs. Pallod with their 3 children. Every year, the entire family helps manage Houston Hindu Youth Summer camp.

Working together to build
proud, self-confident youth

It took years of knowing modest Vijay Pallod for us to gradually discover the many good works he has been involved in. He has spent his life espousing or initiating worthy causes such as disaster relief and especially, working with youth, “finding ways to inspire them to be good Hindus.” To this end, he has tirelessly set up Summer camps and seminars for them, offered counseling and provided guidance in managing their own service projects, to name a few of his activities. Vijay, a financial controler in Houston, Texas, came from India to the US in 1980—and, oh yes, he has been reading Hinduism Today for 20 years.

“It has made a great difference—
  made us all proud of our faith,
  and who we are.”

“The magazine has done much for me personally, for my family and my work,” he explains. “It has kept me motivated to remain high-minded, disciplined and less externalized. It has helped me raise my children. While they were young, I read articles to them, and their mother and I have gained so much knowledge and insight from Hinduism Today that we could all along give good answers to their questions, and those of the youth we work with, too. It has made a great difference—and made us all proud of our faith, and who we are.”

Vijay has generously supported Hinduism Today for several years, giving $1000 annually to the Hinduism Today Production Fund. “I want to help back,” he says, “so the magazine can continue giving youth the tools they need to grow up proud and self-confident.”

Earnings from the Pallod family's gifts will accumulate and grow through the years, enabling Hinduism Today reach and inspire ever more souls.

Becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today If you are keen to give an added moral boost to the Production Fund while giving financial support, please consider becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today.

One becomes a Benefactor simply by donating $1000 or more to the Fund as a gift outright or by making the fund a beneficiary in one's estate plan by the same amount.   Learn more about becoming a Benefactor

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