Donor Profiles


first things

In 1980, Subhash Choudhary arrived from India and suddenly found himself in a US high school. The sense of dislocation drove him to ponder the great questions. Who am I? What does it mean to be a Hindu? Three years later, he found Hinduism Today, "One of the best things that ever happened to me," he explains. "Here were my answers and a wealth of understanding. I still read the magazine today. It helps keep clarity of mind and gives the strength to recognize the right thing to do."

“Today, he works reasonable hours as a consultant
  and spends his spare time sharing his inspiration with his boys
  and teaching and promoting Hinduism at every opportunity,
  copies of Hinduism Today ever in his briefcase.

By 2003, Subhash had become a vice president for Xerox. Everything was going well except that he worked long hours away from home. "I began to ache at seeing my boys growing up without me and I feared I would lose them." After much introspection and many family meetings, it all became clear and Subhash made his decision. He turned his back on the bright career and turned to what really mattered: "my family and my faith—my passion."

Today, he works reasonable hours as a consultant and spends his spare time sharing his inspiration with his boys and teaching and promoting Hinduism at every opportunity, copies of Hinduism Today ever in his briefcase, ready to share with youngsters, parents, teachers and whoever shows interest.

Over the last 13 years, Mr. and Mrs. Choudhary have donated regularly to the Hinduism Today Production Fund, which is a part of Hindu Heritage Endowment. And they have included the fund in their estate plan. "We cannot say enough good things about Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami, who had the vision to launch the magazine that would answer our greatest needs so perfectly. We want it to continue to grow and give Hindus everywhere the knowledge of their heritage, and the knowledge of who they are—and show Hinduism to the whole world as the remarkable model of sustainability and continuity that it is. We do not know of a greater or purer cause, and feel privileged to be a small part of it."

If you share the Choudharis' vision and enthusiasm for our great common cause, please consider donating to the Hinduism Today Production Fund—or becoming a Benefactor.

Becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today If you are keen to give an added moral boost to the Production Fund while giving financial support, please consider becoming a Benefactor of Hinduism Today.

One becomes a Benefactor simply by donating $1000 or more to the Fund as a gift outright or by making the fund a beneficiary in one's estate plan by the same amount.   Learn more about becoming a Benefactor

Himalayan Academy Publications

The Himalayan Academy Publications Endowment

Provides funds for the free distribution of printed books and literature of Himalayan Academy

Bharathi Ashram

The Bharathi Yoga Dhama Fund

Provide funds for the maintenance of the Bharati Yoga Dhama in Mysore, India

Digital Dharma Fund

The Digital Dharma Endowment

Provides funds for the multitude of digital resources offered by Himalayan Academy

Ladies Home

Cows of Kadavul and Iraivan Temples (Kovil Maadu) Endowment

Provides for the care, feeding and medical needs of the cows

Concord Temple

Concord Shiva Murugan Temple (CSMT) Endowment Fund

Provides funds for the improvement of this California temple

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