Hindu Heritage Endowment

Making a difference
as a family project

shukla family

When she was 10 and in sixth grade, Unnati Shukla of The Woodlands, Texas, was horrified at the way her teacher presented Hinduism. Two years later, Hinduism Today published its now famous article: “Ten Questions about Hinduism.” Unnati showed it to the teacher, who had never seen anything on Hinduism produced by Hindus. She was impressed and, from that day, stopped teaching the aberrant material.

Unnati is now 13, and she, her 16-year-old brother Hriday and their parents share one resolve: to do their utmost to bring Hinduism's golden virtues to light. And Hinduism Today is there to provide the tools for their enlightened mission.

“We are blessed,” Mrs. Shukla told our staff, “to have you giving us this information in print and especially digitally, where kids spend most of their time.” Hriday tells of his friend Rohan, who “felt quite disconnected from everything until Icdd shared many copies of the magazine with him. Then life began to look brighter. He is now an enthusiastic Hindu who feels connected, knows what he believes and who he is.”

“We want Hinduism Today to be a major player
  among the forces that will shape
  upcoming generations.”

At every opportunity, the Shuklas distribute the magazine and use it to explain aspects of their faith. They teach or have organized a number of classes that over 100 youth and adults attend. They are also helping establish a temple in their locality, north of Houston, which they envision as a center of learning and teaching.

The Shuklas have donated generously to the Hinduism Today Production Fund. “And we'll continue our support,” pledges Dr. Shukla, “so the magazine becomes widespread and a dominant influence, in the way journals representing other cultures are today. We want it to be a major player among the forces that will shape upcoming generations.”

Because they are placed in the Production Fund, the Shukla's gifts will grow endlessly as the years go by, and provide a growing support to the magazine.